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Home stage of Helix
"The very ARMS laboratory where Helix himself was cultivated! Six glass cylinders with in-progress experiments line the room. The big monitors and scattered books hint at the lab's research."
Official Description

DNA Lab is a stage in ARMS.[1] It is affiliated with Helix and was first shown during the Nintendo Switch presentation in January 2017. The name of the stage was then confirmed in the ARMS Nintendo Direct on May 17, 2017.


As the name suggests, DNA Lab takes place in a laboratory. The stage heavily features metallic supports and has a general green and brown color scheme. Several glass cylinders scattered about the stage feature experiments similar in appearance to Helix encased in a green liquid and appear to be prototypes of him.


The floor of DNA Lab is rectangular and split into three rows stretching across the stage. The central row is depressed into the ground, connecting to the two outer rows via a small staircase which is completely passeable without any slowdown. The outer rows also feature three damageable glass cylinders on each side, opposite the stage's walls; these act as barriers. They can be broken by hitting them five times. Throwing another fighter into them breaks them instantly.

Tournament Legality and Balance

In most Rulesets, this stage is a starter pick because of its symmetrical design and minimal obstacles. There are no distracting lights or other hindrances. Because the tubes are destructible, the stage does not excessively support defensive play.

DNA Lab does not favor most characters very strongly, but some can gain minor advantages from playing on the stage:

  • Helix; in his stretched form, his lower body is typically exposed, a weakness that the tubes make easier to mitigate.
  • Characters that can charge abilities, such as Max Brass, Master Mummy, Springtron and Min Min, are at less risk while charging their abilities if positioned correctly behind the tubes.

Related Badges

Main article: Badge Stash
Description Reward Design Unlock Criteria
All of the tubes in the DNA Lab were
destroyed. Repairing those things
is a huge drain on the lab's budget.
30 Destroy all six tubes over the course of the match in DNA Lab.


Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
 Japanese DNAラボ
Dīenuē Rabo
 Chinese (Traditional) 基因實驗室
Gēiyān Sahtyihmsāt
DNA Laboratory
 Chinese (Simplified) 基因实验室
Jīyīn Shíyànshì
DNA Laboratory
 Dutch Laboratorium Laboratory
 French Laboratoire Laboratory
 German DNS-Labor DNA lab
 Italian Laboratorio segreto Secret laboratory
 Russian Лаборатория ДНК
Laboratoriya DNK
DNA laboratory
 Spanish Laboratorio ADN DNA laboratory


  1. Nintendo of America. "ARMS New Character Battle – Nintendo Minute", 2017-05-17, retrieved 2017-05-17.
Stages in ARMS
Arenas Buster BeachCinema DeuxDNA LabMausoleumNinja CollegeRamen BowlRibbon RingScrapyardSky ArenaSnake ParkSparring RingSpring StadiumTemple GroundsVia Dolce[NAME REDACTED]
Other ARM GetterV-BallHoopsSkillshot