Sparring Ring

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Sparring Ring
Home stage of Springtron

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Sparring Ring is a stage in ARMS, released in the Version 3.1.0 update on 2017-09-28. Previously, the stage was only used to warm up in lobbies, but was made available for all modes in Version 3.1.0. At the time, it was the first and only stage to not correspond to a fighter and seemed to be themed after the ARMS Laboratories in general instead. However, when Springtron was added as a playable character in Version 4.1.0, Sparring Ring became his home stage.


Sparring Ring is a flat, square boxing ring. The floor has a large yellow circle on a black background and in the middle of the yellow circle is a smaller black circle with the ARMS Laboratories logo in yellow. Yellow foam bars run along with outside of the ring, and outside are tall walls and canopies providing shade up above.


The stage is a very minimalist and relatively small square with no obstacles so to speak of.



  • Sparring Ring was the first and only stage to be added to the game without a fighter. It is also the only instance of a stage that was assigned a character after it was released.
  • Sparring Ring is the only stage that does not have any fans present.

Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
 Japanese スパーリングリング
Sparring Ring
 Chinese (Traditional) 拳擊擂台
Kyùhngīk Lèuihtòih
Boxing Ring
 Chinese (Simplified) 拳击擂台
Quánjí Lèitái
Boxing Ring
 Dutch Trainingsring Training Ring
 French Ring aux rixes Brawl ring
 German Sparringring Sparring Ring
 Italian Ring di Allenamento Training Ring
 Russian Спарринг-ринг
Sparring ring
 Spanish Metalátero Metalateral (a portmanteau of Metal and cuadrilátero [Spanish for quadliteral or sometimes boxing ring])


Stages in ARMS
Arenas Buster BeachCinema DeuxDNA LabMausoleumNinja CollegeRamen BowlRibbon RingScrapyardSky ArenaSnake ParkSparring RingSpring StadiumTemple GroundsVia Dolce[NAME REDACTED]
Other ARM GetterV-BallHoopsSkillshot