Martial Arts Mash-Up

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Martial Arts Mash-Up is an upcoming Party Crash event. It will take place from December 8th-11th, 2017. Its featured fighters include Ninjara and Min Min.


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Time Bonus ARMS Bonus Period Bonus Period Multiplier
December 8th
9:15 One Hit Wonder
9:30 Too Many Hedloks
9:45 ARMS Lab Selects (1-on-1)
10:00 SO MUCH RUSH (1-on-1)
10:15 Field Day
10:30 ARMS Lab Selects
10:45 One Hit Wonder
11:00 Sparring Time
11:15 Hedlok Megascramble
11:30 One Hit Wonder
11:45 Now It's Personal
12:00 One Hit Wonder
12:15 ARMS Lab Selects (1-on-1)
12:30 Ultimate V-Ball
12:45 ARMS Lab Selects
13:00 One Hit Wonder
13:15 Last ARM Punching
13:30 SO MUCH RUSH (1-on-1)
13:45 All-You-Can-Hedlok
13:45 Sharpshooter’s Delight