Beta elements

From ARMS Institute, the ARMS Wiki
Revision as of 23:08, 19 July 2022 by Frosty (talk | contribs) (Added information pertaining to the gumshield ARM and adjusted some formatting.)

Beta elements are gameplay and aesthetic elements of a particular game that were shown in official material or referenced internally but not included in the final game. The following is a list of beta elements in ARMS.


A filled Rush Meter in the January demo.
  • The Rush Meter originally featured a button prompt once filled.
  • Most character portraits were somewhat different in ARMS's January demo.
  • In ARMS's January demo, the win counters consisted of blue dots in place of the game's final white dots.
  • The VS symbol when a match begins was originally black with a yellow outline.[1]
  • A number of UI elements indicating player number, using red and blue colors, were present in the January demo.[1]
  • The "Ready? ARMS!" and "K.O." voice clips seem to originally have had a different voice actor.[1]
  • An early victory screen had a different position of the WINNER! text and rendered the stage in black and white.[1]


  • The Tribolt was originally called the Trident.[1]
  • The Megaton was originally called the Big Punch.[1]
The early Popper and Slapamander designs.
  • The Popper initially had a primarily orange color scheme and featured a different brand.
  • The Slapamander had a black color scheme with orange accents at some point in development, closer to the final design of the Slamamander.
  • Some characters had different standard ARMS in the game's January demo, some notably overlapping with other characters:
Helix wielding two gumshield ARMS.
  • An ARM internally named "gumshield" exists in a working state within the game's files. It looks similar to the Clapback, though with a yellow rim and dark navy blue center. It also has an unused Brand featuring a lion. If another fighter punches this shield while it's extended, their ARM will stick to it and will be released if the gumshield user punches again or they knock the opponent down.[2]


  • Master Mummy's and Mechanica's grabs originally dealt 150 damage, the same as all other characters in the January demo.[1]
