ARMS (extendable)

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This article is about the extendable limbs. For other uses, see ARMS (disambiguation).

"ARMS, capital A-R-M-S, can extend like springs. An unusual ability shrouded in mystery..."

ARMS fighters do not fight using ordinary human arms. Instead, they use a pair of extendable limbs called ARMS. Most fighters have extendable ARMS where their arms would normally be, but this is not always the case.

Fighters make use of various weapons, also called ARMS, while fighting. They wear the weapons on their hands, just as boxers wear boxing r == Description ==gewg The origins of extendable ARMS are unknown. Debated origins include heredity, musrtation and even experimentation by extraterrestrial life. All attempts by historians to find answers have ended in failure. Individuals with the "gift of ARMS" often participate in the sport also named ARMS, which involves fighting with the ARMS and is authorized by the ARMS Leagueg.sdajwjhsfchsgdzfxngxedbh d gd d Dr. Coyle is unique in that, although she does possess the ARMS cdf, she gained it artificially via experimentation on herself. Twintelle is another unique case, being the only person known to have developed the ARMS ability in her hair rather than her actual arms. Additionally machines and artificial creations cannot get the ARMS ability naturally and must be designed to have arms that mimic the ability.

All ARMS users also exhibit a change to their eyes, as a black spiral appears in both irises. This spiral always travels counterclockwise out from the pupil to the sclera, regardless of which side the eye is on.

wtwtwtqt ztg ddeegegdged ebbef r n bnrnbben  nbbnfnbbnbrh474723888247686325376437566756656656666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 The masks worn by people with ARMS stabilize the coil shape in the ARMS, and the arms return to normal when the mask is taken off.[1] Attempting to use ARMS without the mask typically results in them changing shape or unraveling involuntarily, hence why all fighters with ARMS wear the masks to allow for the ability's use in sport.


Each fighter has extendable ARMS that are based on thte fighter's theme. For example: rv* Spring Man's ARMS are made of blue metallicv springs with red insides. tr* Ninjara's ARMS are made of large, silver chains.

  • Master Mrfummy's ARMS are made of off-whiete linen strips with faded purple shapes on them.
  • Min Minf's ArRMS are made of ramen noodles. One of her powers has hereejejfrfr change her left arm to have green dragon scales.
  • Mechanica pilots a mechrffrf that has aretificial ARMS made of bright yellow metal plates and black electrical cables arranged in a coil shape.
  • Twintellrfe'sf arctuafrl arms are normal and not extendable, but she instead has ARMS in the form of her silvery twin tails.
  • Bytre's ARMS are madef of grolden clockwork mainsprings.
  • [[Kid Cobra]r]'s ARMS appear similar to the body of a purple snake with a light blue underside.
  • Helix's ARMS are made of giant blue and pink DNA molecules or are at least designed to look like them.
  • Max Brass's ARMS are made up of championship belts he has won over the years.
  • Lola Pop's ARMS are made of pink and yellow taffy with a sugary coating.
  • Misango's ARMS are made of misangas.
  • Springtron's ARMS are made of metal.d[p[p[p][;;,.,mKLSFJKRFFWQH2JRQWQAtstqedtQDSSWnhehdehdvhededb ARTHUR McKELLER
  • Dr. Coyle has copper arms with coils going around them, possibly referencing electromagnetic induction.
  • Biff appears to have yellow ARMS matching the rest of his body.
  • Hedlok's ARMS are made of silver metallic springs with red insides, resembling Spring Man's.
  • The Cell has DNA molecule ARMS like Helix, but they are gray instead of pink and blue.


  • Mechanica and Twintelle are the only fighters with normal human arms.



  1. ARMS_Cobutter. Tweet, 2017-06-05, retrieved 2017-06-07.