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Home stage of Master Mummy
Home stage of Unknown_fighters

'Mummy Hospital" is a stage in ARMS. It is affiliated with Master Mummy and was shown from the japanese website for ARMS (game).


As the name suggests, the Mummy hospital takes place outside a hospital. The stage features a lot of dark color schemes and seems to be at night. one of the interesting parts of this stage may be we haven't yet seen this stage in action and it may even have a day night cycle.


A stage that spreads before the hospital of Mummies, Mommy Hospital! For a long time, the plaza that no one has come to, the ground is likely to collapse now! Somewhere in this square, Master Mommy was also sleeping ...! Is it?

fan section

Every one of the Stages has a fan cheering section


Master Mummy's home stage and possibly one of the Unknown fighters who has a similar look to master mummy

Stages in ARMS
Arenas Buster BeachCinema DeuxDNA LabMausoleumNinja CollegeRamen BowlRibbon RingScrapyardSky ArenaSnake ParkSparring RingSpring StadiumTemple GroundsVia Dolce[NAME REDACTED]
Other ARM GetterV-BallHoopsSkillshot