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Null is an Attribute that ARMS can have. It is signified more as an exception to the rule of having attributes than one on its own. Because of this, it is not considered an official attribute. However, there are certain effects that these ARMS will do when charged just like other attributes.

List of Null ARMS

There are four ARMS with a Null Attribute, with three being available at launch, and the Clapback being added in version 3.0.0:

Bubb Buff Clapback Megaton


Null ARMS when charged have a slew of effects and damage increases compared to other ARMS where the effect is consistent across all ARMS of that attribute. They are as follows:

ARM weapon Damage Increase Additional Effect
Buff 10 Increased size
Bubb 10 Increased size
Clapback 0 Reflect gives charge
Megaton 20 Increased size




ARMS attributes