Martial Arts Mash-Up (2)

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Party Crash
◄ Martial Artistry Martial Arts Mash-Up (2) Battle for Stardom (2) ►

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Martial Arts Mash-Up was the thirtieth Party Crash event. It took place from June 14th to June 17th, 2019. Its Featured Fighters were Min Min and Ninjara. Focused on Martial arts.


Min Min defeated Ninjara with 53% of all points (against 47% for Ninjara).


Description Reward Design
You reached level
5 in the 30th Party Crash!
Nice work, Min Min!
You reached level
5 in the 30th Party Crash!
Nice work, Ninjara!
You reached level
10 in the 30th Party Crash!
Way to be, Min Min!
You reached level
10 in the 30th Party Crash!
Way to be, Ninjara!



  • This Party Crash shares the same name as the second event held in December 2017, which featured the same two fighters. Notably, Min Min lost the original Martial Arts Mash-Up, but won this one.
  • This marks the end of the Party Crash Bash set of tournaments, crowning Min Min as the overall tournament winner.

Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
 Chinese (Traditional) 華麗武術對決!
 Chinese (Simplified) 华丽的武术对决!
 Dutch Oosterse knokpartij Eastern knockparty
 French Démonstration d'arts martiaux Demonstration of martial arts
 German Fernöstliche Kampfkunst Far eastern Fighting art
 Italian Disfida di arti marziali Martial arts challenge
 Russian Восточное единоборство
Vostochnoye yedinoborstvo
Eastern single combat
 Spanish Ira oriental Oriental anger