Heavyweight Clash

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Party Crash
◄ Song and Dance Battle Heavyweight Clash Eating Machines ►

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Heavyweight Clash was the twenty-third Party Crash event. It took place from February 15th to February 18th, 2019. Its Featured Fighters were Mechanica and Master Mummy. The theme focused on characters who did not flinch easily.


Mechanica defeated Master Mummy with 51% of all points (against 49% for Master Mummy).


Description Reward Design
You reached level
5 in the 23rd Party Crash!
Nice Work, Mechanica!
You reached level 5
in the 23rd Party Crash!
Nice work, Master Mummy!
You reached level
10 in the 23rd Party Crash!
Way to be, Mechanica!
You reached level 10
in the 23rd Party Crash!
Way to be, Master Mummy!

Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
 Chinese (Traditional) 重量級對決!
 Chinese (Simplified) 重量级对决!
 Dutch Zwaargewichten Heavyweights
 French Combat de poids lourds Battle of the heavyweights
 German Schwergewichtsentscheidung Heavyweight Clash
 Italian Pesi massimi a confronto Heavyweights in confrontation
 Russian Битва тяжеловесов
Bitva tyazhelavesov
Heavyweight battle
 Spanish Duelo de pesos pasados Heavyweight duel