Sky Arena

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Sky Arena
Home stage of Max Brass
"An outdoor fighting arena built on top of the super skyscraper that houses the ARMS League HQ! Here at the highest point in the world is where the Grand Prix grand finale goes down. And talk about intimidation factor—giant statues of the champ himself loom over the ring!"
Official Description

Sky Arena is a stage in ARMS, released on 2017-07-12. It was first teased in the ARMS Direct in May 2017 before being confirmed to be a multiplayer stage during the ARMS Open Invitational. It is the stage that the final boss fight in Grand Prix takes place in. According to a quote from Biff, this arena was constructed by Max Brass himself.


Sky Arena takes the appearance of an elevated stadium. The stage is boxed off by championship belts and columns of fire, blocking off bleachers and a large statue of Max Brass. The floor appears to be a mix of a large steel grate and a surface similar to a wrestling mat.


Sky Arena is square in shape and largely devoid of obstacles. The center of the stage is slightly elevated and cannot be accessed without jumping.


  • Sky arena is the only stage in the game to have three different versions:
    • A sunset version which is playable everywhere.
    • A night version which is exclusive to the Grand Prix's final boss.
    • A night version with fireworks used during the credits of the game.

Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
 Japanese スカイアリーナ
Sukai Arīna
Sky Arena
 Chinese (Traditional) 天空鬥技場
Tīnhūng Daugeihchèuhng
Sky Duel Arena
 Chinese (Simplified) 天空斗技场
Tiānkōng Dòujìchǎng
Sky Duel Arena
 Dutch Arena Maxima Arena Maxima
 French Colisée aérien Aerial colosseum
 German Himmelsarena Sky Arena
 Italian Arena Maxima Arena Maxima
 Russian Скай-Арена
Sky Arena
 Spanish Coliseo aéreo Aerial colosseum
Stages in ARMS
Arenas Buster BeachCinema DeuxDNA LabMausoleumNinja CollegeRamen BowlRibbon RingScrapyardSky ArenaSnake ParkSparring RingSpring StadiumTemple GroundsVia Dolce[NAME REDACTED]
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