
From ARMS Institute, the ARMS Wiki
Home stage of Master Mummy
"The decrepit Mausoleum moonlights as a hospital for mummies. If it looks abandoned, that's because the ground seems ready to crumble. Was Master Mummy sleeping here before he rose from the dead?"
Official Description

Mausoleum is a stage in ARMS. It is affiliated with Master Mummy and was revealed during a Treehouse stream of the game in January 2017.


The Mausoleum stage is located immediately in front of its namesake dimly-lit building and is surrounded by crooked, metal gates. The stage features a lot of dark color schemes and appears to take place at night.



"The gnarled trees surrounding the ring make it seem like no one's been here in a while... and the center looks like it might cave in! This grim place gives me the creeps."


The courtyard where fights take place is circular in shape. When fighters are knocked down and land on the center of the stage, they will gradually damage the floor. If enough damage is dealt to the floor, it will be destroyed to reveal a usable trampoline made out of spider webs.

Related Badges

Main article: Badge Stash
Description Reward Design Unlock Criteria
The floor at the Mausoleum broke!
Good thing that trampoline is there.
 30   Break the center floor in the Mausoleum.


Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
 Japanese マミーホスピタル
Mamī Hosupitaru
Mummy Hospital
 Chinese (Traditional) 木乃伊醫院
Muhknáaihyī Yīyún
Mummy Hospital
 Chinese (Simplified) 木乃伊医院
Mùnǎiyī Yīyuàn
Mummy Hospital
 Dutch Sanatorium Sanatorium
 French Sanatorium Sanatorium
 German Sanatorium Sanatorium
 Italian Il Sanatorio The sanatorium
 Russian Мумздрав
Mummy health
 Spanish Clínica Momia Mummy Clinic


Stages in ARMS
Arenas Buster BeachCinema DeuxDNA LabMausoleumNinja CollegeRamen BowlRibbon RingScrapyardSky ArenaSnake ParkSparring RingSpring StadiumTemple GroundsVia Dolce[NAME REDACTED]
Other ARM GetterV-BallHoopsSkillshot